What kind of habitat does a bottlenose dolphin live in?
Bottlenose dolphins have a broad distribution that includes most of the tropical, subtropical and temperate parts of the ocean where there are several kinds of habitats.
Bottlenose dolphins have a broad distribution that includes most of the tropical, subtropical and temperate parts of the ocean where there are several kinds of habitats.
The Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is a medium-sized dolphin with a wide distribution and a characteristic coloring pattern. It dwells in temperate and tropical waters.
The Fraser’s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) was identified as species en the 1970’s although it has a wide distribution all over the tropical areas of the ocean.
Secrets of Dolphin Swimming. Researchers want to discover the reasons that make dolphins excellent swimmers.
Secrets of Dolphin Sonar. This is an interesting explanation about the dolphin echolocation.