Dolphin Social Structure
The pod is the basic social structure of dolphins which rely on this organization to survive. The bonds between the members of a pod are strong.
The pod is the basic social structure of dolphins which rely on this organization to survive. The bonds between the members of a pod are strong.
Dolphins are sometimes victims to sharks or killer whales. However, their most dangerous threat is the man.
Dolphins are animals perfectly adapted to the aquatic life with adaptations product of million of years of evolution but still preserving a set of features of their life on land.
Most people have heard the noises made by dolphins which they use to communicate, but not all sounds are the same. They vary in frequency, volume, wavelength and pattern.
Like humans, dolphins are entirely dependent on their sophisticated senses for survival and advantage product of a superior intelligence.
Dolphin breeding from the courtship of the male to the birth of the offspring ending in a dedicated maternal care and lifetime bonds.