Dolphin Behavior
These cetaceans are capable of performing unusual activities within the animal world and exhibit complex behaviors including coordinated hunting or helping their peers.
These cetaceans are capable of performing unusual activities within the animal world and exhibit complex behaviors including coordinated hunting or helping their peers.
Dolphin intelligence continues puzzling scientists, and the result of the numerous tests and the extensive research made on the subject show an advanced capacity.
Some dolphin species can eat up to 30 pounds of fish per day when adults. Their favorite prey and hunting techniques vary among species and habitats.
Cetaceans and dolphins, in consequence, descend from a terrestrial ancestor which after a slow evolution process returned to live in the ocean.
Echolocation is used by dolphins to detect other animals, food, and dangers. A dolphin can build an image of its environment before seeing the object.
The overall anatomy of dolphins is designed well by evolution to survive in the water. While each species has its individual characteristics, they all share some unique features.