Dolphin Video
Dolphin Video Gallery
In our video gallery you will find videos that show Dolphins in different activities in their natural
habitat or in captivity, sometimes even during a swimming session with humans.
These videos were picked manually by our staff to illustrate some of the main features of
Each video has a brief description about the content presented in the video.

Amazon River Dolphin in Aquarium

Amazon River Dolphin in Captivity

Boto the Amazon River Dolphin

Wild Bottlenose Dolphin

Bottlenose Dolphins Fighting

Dolphin Playing with Bubble Rings

Spinner Dolphins in Hawaii

Wild Spinner Dolphins

Spinner Dolphins in Puerto Escondido

Striped Dolphins Jumping

Striped Dolphins from Boat

Striped Dolphins in the Wild

Group of Chinese White Dolphins

Chinese White Dolphin Close-up

Chinese White Dolphins Playing

Baiji Tribute

Baiji Dolphin Extinct

Chinese River Dolphin Project

Wild Atlantic Spotted Dolphins

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins – Stenella frontalis

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins – Bahamas

Clymene Dolphins

The Dolphin Movie Trailer

Commerson’s Dolphin Video

Commerson’s Dolphin at SeaWorld San Diego

Commerson’s Dolphin at SeaWorld

Common Dolphins in the Azores

Wild Common Dolphins

Large Pod of Common Dolphins

Dusky Dolphins in Kaikoura

Wild Dusky Dolphins

Large Pod of Dusky Dolphins

Hector’s Dolphins Pod in New Zealand

Wild Hector’s Dolphin

Hector’s dolphin – Cephalorhynchus hectori

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins near Japan

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins Swimming

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin Pod

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins Playing

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin – Tursiops Aduncus

Wild Pacific White-Sided Dolphins

Pacific White-Sided Dolphins at Vancouver Aquarium

Pacific White-Sided Dolphins Pod

Pacific White-Sided Dolphin Slow Motion Jump

Pantropical Spotted Dolphins Pod

Wild Pantropical Spotted Dolphins

PanTropical Spotted Dolphins – Stenella attenuata

Unique Risso’s Dolphin

Risso’s Dolphins Having Fun

Risso’s Dolphin Pod

Indus River Dolphin Rescue

The ghost of the Ganges

Eye of the Dolphin MovieTrailer

Cat and Dolphins Playing Together

Dolphin Trainer Interview

Ultimate Guide Secrets of Dolphin Sonar

Secrets of Dolphin Diving

Secrets of Dolphin Swimming

Ocean Acrobats The Spinner Dolphins

Chinese White Dolphin Project

Bottlenose Dolphins in Australia

What is a Commerson’s Dolphin