Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica)
The Ganges River dolphin (Platanista Gangetica Gangetica) is a subspecies endemic of the Ganges river where it struggles to survive due to the intense human activities in the area.
The Ganges River dolphin (Platanista Gangetica Gangetica) is a subspecies endemic of the Ganges river where it struggles to survive due to the intense human activities in the area.
The Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) also known as Boto is the largest species of dolphins that inhabit freshwater.
The Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) is a river dolphin that overfishing and human development led this dolphin to extinction. This dolphin used to inhabit the Yangtze River in China.
Secrets of Dolphin Swimming. Researchers want to discover the reasons that make dolphins excellent swimmers.
There are only four species of dolphins that are able to thrive in freshwater and the Amazon River Dolphin is one of them. Many people assume that all dolphins live in saltwater so this is interesting to learn if you weren’t aware of it.